
sure sign的意思

sure sign

  • 网络确定标志


  • 1.Nixon said little, and what he said was ambiguous-a sure sign to anyone familiar with his methods that he meant to stick with his decision.


  • 2.I wanted to declare success and take it as a sure sign of Great Wall, as it had been under similar circumstances the previous week.


  • 3.'Yes, and that's what upset him most, because he took the fact that our minds were made up as a sure sign of our love for each other. '


  • 4.What she found? A large dark area showing inflammation, otherwise known as a granuloma--a sure sign of the intestinal disease.


  • 5.That is a sure sign of how much quicker it is going, and also the degree to which your levels of consciousness are growing.


  • 6.an anticonventional lifestyle is no sure sign of feminist politics, OR indeed, of any politics at all.


  • 7.What I've found is that the one sure sign that your balance is out of whack is that you're unhappy with your life.


  • 8.Whether conforming or not, a sure sign of a leader is someone who talks first, and most often.


  • 9.After considering, he realised this was a sure sign the pond was possessed by a water demon.


  • 10.Jupiter and Pluto will also be in perfect alignment on February 6, a sure sign there's a hefty profit to be made.



  • DIAM n. 数据独立存取模型 网络 直径;钎头直径;Dynamic Interspinous Assisted Motion
  • dizziest adj. 头晕眼花的;(高度,速度等)使人眼花缭乱的;愚蠢的 v. 使发昏 网络 头晕目眩的;晕眩的;头晕的
  • en suite adj. 与卧室配套的 网络 套房;套房的;卫生间的
  • impedimenta n. 辎重;行囊;妨碍行进的重负(行李) 网络 障碍重重;障碍重重障碍咒;包袱
  • aquatic organism un. 水生生物 网络 水生物
  • anthropophagi n. 食人肉的人;“anthropophagus”的复数 网络 食人族;食人者
  • curtsy n. (女子行的)屈膝礼 v. 行屈膝礼 网络 屈膝行礼;拜客
  • drive taxi 网络 驾驶出租车
  • meliorative adj. 改善的
  • ascent n. 上升;上坡路;登高;升高 网络 攀登;上升攀登;追溯